Are Walmart Wedding Rings Fake? (Quality, Reviews + More)

Are Walmart Wedding Rings Fake

Lindsey, do you know if Walmart wedding rings are fake or real? This is one of the questions our readers ask a lot. Well, we´ve got you covered.

Walmart wedding rings are real. Both the metal and the diamonds are real. The discount retailer can maintain their reputation for low prices by selling real jewelry that is lower quality than what you’ll find at a jewelry store. Most of the stones won’t come with a gemstone grade report like a high quality diamond does, but they are real.

It’s gotten quite expensive to live in this world. If you’re like most of us, you’re looking for any way you can save money. Walmart offers real wedding rings for lower prices than you’ll find at any jewelry store.

In this article, we’re looking at what you need to know about Walmart jewelry, so keep reading to learn more.

Walmart Diamonds Are Real?

While you will find fake jewelry at Walmart, as well, there are real pieces available for purchase, also. Walmart sells cubic zirconia and other fake stones, too. 

The real diamonds sold by Walmart are not your top-of-the-line stones with excellent color and clarity. They often are tinted with yellow or brown, may appear cloudy, and could have several highly noticeable imperfections. They also do not usually come with any type of grading report.

So, what does this mean? It means you can buy the same type of stone at Walmart that you can at upscale retailers, but you’ll pay less and get lower grade stones.

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Is Walmart Gold Real?

Again, Walmart gold is real, too. It’s lower quality than what’s found in higher end jewelry stores. 

Walmart gold is mostly 10k. Even if you don’t know a lot about gold karat standards, you likely know that 10k gold is at the bottom of the quality scale and 24k gold is at the top. Keep reading to find out why.

24k gold is pure. It means the gold is gold with nothing else included in its makeup. As you decrease in the karats, the purity level goes down, as well. 10k gold is less than half as pure as 24k. It’s around 40% gold. The rest of it is made up of filler metals.

Walmart also sells gold-plated jewelry. Plated jewelry has a metal core that’s often made of brass, copper, or steel.

The gold is then laid over the top of the core metal in an extremely thin layer to make it look like other gold jewelry. You can identify gold-plated jewelry by looking for indicators such as, GEP, GP, and RGP.

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How Much Do Walmart Wedding Rings Cost?

Here’s the good news about Walmart wedding rings. You can find them in just about all price ranges. They have wedding rings that are well under $100 while others are more than $1,000. 

Not all wedding rings are sold in-store, however. The stock in the physical stores is quite limited. If you want a broad selection of wedding rings from Walmart, you should go online.

It’s worth noting that if you order online from Walmart, some items may be shipped through other companies. These companies partner with Walmart to give customers what they’re looking for.

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Does Walmart Have Good Rings?

If you are looking for a high quality ring with durable metal and a third-party graded gemstone, Walmart isn’t the right option for you. Walmart does offer many options, though, and some of the rings are quite good. 

Walmart offers many rings that are beautiful and of decent quality. The better you care for the ring, too, the longer it will last.

Though you won’t find top-of-the-line quality, you will find some good rings. 

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Are Walmart Diamonds Worth It?

Walmart diamonds are worth it for shoppers looking for affordable options that can hold a lot of sentimental value. However, they are not the greatest quality.

Some customers have even reported in their reviews that the diamonds that are advertised as certified are not graded consistently across the board.

Where Does Walmart Get Its Jewelry From?

Walmart partners with several established companies to get their jewelry items. They even added mining companies to the mix of partnerships they’ve entered into as a way of adding a traceability factor to their growing jewelry department. 

The Walmart team looked for mining companies that used methods which were environmentally friendly and socially responsible. 

In 2008, Walmart launched a jewelry line called the Love, Earth collection. The premise behind the line is to give customers the ability to trace their jewelry all the way back through its origins.

They can see where the materials were mined and the methods used. 

Love, Earth jewelry is made of 10k gold and sterling silver. The pieces represent Earth’s elements. This line was completely inspired by Walmart‘s sustainability mission.

It’s part of the company’s efforts to promote eco-friendliness and respect for the planet.

What Happened to Walmart‘s Jewelry Department?

A few years ago, some Walmart stores did away with the jewelry counters and display cases in their accessory departments. Though they didn’t do it in all of their stores, they did in a significant amount of them. Nearly a third of all Walmart stores had their jewelry counters removed. 

Retailers must consistently monitor the demand for certain products in their stores. Walmart revamped plans in these stores to better meet the demand of its customers in those locations.

The jewelry counters were taken out of stores that had low demand for finer jewelry.

That doesn’t mean there is no jewelry available at those stores. It means there is less of it and the option to buy finer jewelry items was taken out of the brick-and-mortar stores in that area.

Customers can still order those pieces online.

They also still have the option to buy costume jewelry, accessories, and watches in the stores that were stripped of their glass display cases.

The jewelry departments have been blended into the shoes and accessories departments in these locations.

Do Walmart Wedding Rings Come with Warranties?

Diamond engagement or wedding rings are covered under a warranty that lasts for one year. You must keep the original receipt to provide proof of the day of purchase.

The warranty covers repairs for damage or stones that fall out (you must still have the stone), as long as the cause isn’t abuse. 

The tricky part of the ring warranty is the damage cannot be caused by abuse of the ring. Well, what does that mean? That’s up to the Walmart employee who assesses the ring. If that employee feels there is evidence of abuse, you may not get your ring repaired.

The warranty also does not cover loss of a ring. If you misplace your ring or it gets stolen, there is no coverage for that.

You can purchase jewelry insurance through specialized dealers. Some people insure precious jewelry on their homeowner’s policies, also. 

Will Walmart Replace a Diamond that Falls Out?

If a stone should fall out of your ring in the first year, Walmart will not replace the stone. You can have the stone re-set into the ring if you happen to have seen it fall out and you kept it.

If it fell out and you lost it, the company will not replace the stone under the warranty. Loss of stones is not covered. 

Can You Return Wedding Rings to Walmart?

You can return wedding rings to Walmart just like other products they sell. You should keep your receipt to make it easier and so you get the same amount of money you paid back. 

We need to make another little note here, though. You need to pay attention to where your ring is coming from if you order from the website.

Walmart has a broad selection of products online. But they don’t directly fulfill all of the orders from the website.

Some items purchased on the Walmart website are direct fulfillment from the company. Other items are fulfilled by companies that Walmart collaborates with. The companies may have different return policies. Walmart‘s return policy gives you 90 days to bring something back.

Other retailers often have only a 30-day return policy.

Are There Good Reviews on Walmart Wedding Rings?

There are many good reviews on some of Walmart‘s wedding rings. Many customers love that they’re able to make their money go further with the selection of rings through Walmart.

They tout the rings as looking more expensive than they are. 

Are There Bad Reviews on Walmart Wedding Rings?

As you may have already guessed, there are also bad reviews of Walmart wedding rings. Many of the bad reviews include statements about the quality or lack there of.

Generally, these statements are in regard to the metal, not the diamond. 

There seems to be a problem with the metal of some rings turning yellow when it’s meant to be white gold. If this happens in the first year to a ring with a diamond in it, you may be able to have it repaired under the warranty.

As long as the person doing the inspection of the ring deems its wear and tear, it should be covered. 

Here’s the good news about situations where you’re unhappy with your ring. If you’re within the 90-day return window, there shouldn’t be an issue with taking the ring back. The other part of this is Walmart is pretty good about trying to make things right with their customers. 

Many of the bad reviews we see also include a story about the store employees replacing the ring or exchanging it for a different ring altogether. Many of the dissatisfied customers end up pleased with the outcome.

Read also >> Walmart Jewelry Return Policy Today (Earings, Rings + More) 

How Do You Shop for a Wedding/Engagement Ring?

There are several things to consider when shopping for wedding rings. One of the first things to think about is your budget.

You don’t want to go shopping without having a budget figured out because then you run the risk of spending far too much on the ring. 

Once you know what you can spend, you need to decide what kind of stone you want the ring to have and how big it should be. For our purposes, we’ll stick with the traditional diamond engagement ring for any of our examples. 

Think about how many carats you want the center stone to be. Also, do you want to find a solitaire ring or one with multiple diamonds?

Don’t forget to decide on a metal. Sometimes, we forget about choosing a metal because the emphasis is put on the diamond.

Many experts say to only purchase certified diamonds. While this is important for someone who wants high quality, others don’t care as much about the quality as they do about the price and the way it looks.

Certified graded diamonds are more expensive, so some people aren’t able to afford them.

You also want to think about how the engagement ring will look with the wedding band. That way you don’t end up with rings that don’t work together. 


Do you pick out wedding rings together?

Some couples choose the engagement ring together, but more of them do not. However, wedding rings are typically chosen together.

Many couples are choosing to go with wedding bands that don’t match one another’s. That way each person gets to have the final say on what they like.

When should you start shopping for wedding rings?

A good rule of thumb is to make sure you have purchased the rings at least six weeks before the wedding.

Generally, couples will shop around for a couple of months before that to find the rings they want.

Does Walmart resize rings?

There is no in-store service for ring sizing. However, if you purchase a ring from Walmart, they will send it away to a third-party partner to have it sized for you.

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Walmart wedding rings are real, but they offer fake rings, also. You can purchase a real diamond engagement ring set in 10k gold or sterling silver from the giant discount retailer.

The diamond rings are covered under a one year warranty. If you’re looking for a good deal on a beautiful ring and quality isn’t your main priority, Walmart has many options for you.



Lindsey graduated with an MBA in 2009. Since then, Lindsey has worked in the retail and consumer service industry as a manager, advisor, and marketer. Lindsey is also the head writer and Co-founder of Lindsey is based in Morgantown, West Virginia.

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