
We are a small team of adventurers and passionate consumer advocates

Each month we help over 400,000 readers learn more about topics such as travel, finance, retail industry, and automotive care.


We are Jessica & Mike, and we enjoy being at the center of nature’s most pleasurable place. The BEACH!

We had a vision of living like a turtle with our home on our back, having all that we need with us, and slowly moving down the road to see where it leads.

“Design Your Dream”

In June 2017, we decided to follow our dream, quit our 9 to 5 jobs, and sold all of our belongings, and take a leap of faith.


RvandPlaya was primarily born out of frustration as we were finding it increasingly hard to find reliable, accurate, and in-depth answers to our questions.

Because of this, we set out to create RvandPlaya.com, a website dedicated to helping customers solve their consumer-related questions from a wide range of services, products, finance, and industries.

If you wish to learn more, please head over to the contact page, where you can get in touch with us directly.

Meet The Team

Mike Gilmour (Co-Founder)

Hi, I’m Mike, my passion is traveling (with my RV) and enjoying the day at the beach (Playa)!

I want to help others develop in life through new skills and opportunities.

Marissa K. (Finance & Editor)

Hi! I’m Marissa. A personal finance nerd, content writer, and Managing Editor. I’m here to bring you all the latest cool ways to save, make and invest extra money. So, helping you to live your dream life!

Lindsey W. (Product Expert & Editor)

Lindsey graduated with an MBA in 2009. Since then, Lindsey has worked as a leader for Whole Foods Market for over 2 decades.

Jessica Gilmour (Co-Founder)

As a full-time RVer since December 2017, Jessica’s playful writing style helps make learning about RV a bit more interesting.

Jessica loves sharing her enthusiasm for the Beach- and RVing lifestyle.

Jeff P. (Mechanic & Editor)

Jeff is an automotive technician, technical writer, and Managing Editor. He has held a lifelong passion for cars, with a particular interest in cars like the Buick Reatta.

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