Walmart Return Policy after 90 Days (Secrets You´ll Never Imagine)

walmart return policy after 90 days

Have you ever asked yourself or your friend what Walmart return policy after 90 days is? Well, you are at the perfect place to find the answer to such a question.

Walmart generally has a pretty extensive return policy if you purchase something and it’s either defective or you just want to return it, regardless of the reasons.

The most extensive-time period that you have for returning items is 90 days, so what happens if you return something after the 90 days have passed? Whether or not you are going to be able to return something to Walmart after the 90-day timeframe is going to be entirely up to management. So much depends on the manager in question at your respective Walmart. Also, you won’t get the full options on refunds. 

What you will get is store credit, regardless of what you’re bringing back and even if Walmart management decides to accept the return.

Fortunately, there is a way to at least attempt to return the item after 90-days and make it a little easier on yourself and Walmart employees in getting it processed. 

How to Return Products to Walmart After 90 Days

There are a couple of things that you can do to try and return a Walmart item after the 90-day time frame. Now, these aren’t traditional methods.

The problem is, that Walmart has a 90-day return policy for a reason and you’re going to have to try and get around that. 

One of the ways that you can do this is by escalating the situation to someone in management. If a Walmart staff member, either at the cash register or elsewhere within Walmart, won’t allow you to make the return, then you need to head to the Walmart Customer Service area, which is usually located at the front.

No matter what is happening, you can always request to speak to a Walmart Supervisor and someone will go get one for you.

The thing that you always need to remember, if you happen to be going through this and feeling a bit frustrated, is that you will catch more flies with honey. 

Always speak to representatives of Walmart, regardless of their capacity, with courtesy and politeness.

That doesn’t mean that you should let them walk all over you, just that you should treat them with kindness and you will be a lot more likely to get what you came for. 

For the most part, management is probably going to give you what you want, especially if you explain that you will contact Walmart’s Corporate Headquarters, which is just not a headache that a Walmart manager wants to deal with, and ultimately, the customer is always right. 

Read also: What is Walmart’s Return Policy After Christmas? (Secrets Nobody Is Talking About)

Take Your Return to Other Walmarts

One thing about Walmart is that it’s very much like a Waffle House or a Dollar General. The things are everywhere and if you have problems returning your item at one, you may have much better luck by going to another one. 

In a lot of these situations, it matters who the manager is.

A manager is a human being too, however, and if you stop and think about it, maybe the one that you’re dealing with has had a really bad day. Or, maybe they’re dealing with something really bad at home. 

The point is, there is no telling why the manager might tell you ‘no’. The odds are, it’s probably not because they are a bad person or anything like that, just that the day hasn’t been going very well for them at all. 

Returning After 90 Days with No Receipt

Here’s where things get tricky. A lot of people will tell you to bring your receipt to Walmart, even if it has been more than 90 days because Walmart is less likely to help you if you have no receipt with you.

Other times, the advice is to leave your receipt at home because if you bring your receipt, Walmart will be able to tell that the product you are returning is well past the 90-day limit.

If you do bring your items without a receipt, it’s highly unlikely that a floor staff member is going to help you.

These kinds of returns are almost always, entirely handled by management so you will need to find one or ask someone to help you find one.

It’s easier if you have the item in the original packaging. That way Walmart can at least scan the barcode and determine if the item was in their inventory. 

Either way, if your return is accepted, don’t be surprised if it takes a significant amount of time, even more so than a single day.

So, just be patient and so long as they have accepted the return, you will get yours in due time. 

Read also: Target Return Policy after 90 Days? (Secrets Nobody Is Talking About)

Items That You Cannot Return to Walmart

Walmart is just like many other retailers and there are certain items that they will simply not accept returns on, no matter how much you pester the management and the rest of the staff about returning them. 

  • Perishables such as food, candy, or anything that can be consumed
  • Gift cards are non-returnable
  • Software that you purchase digitally
  • Video game cards

Obviously, there is no way that you are going to be able to return a head of lettuce to Walmart. For all of your good intentions, there is no way that Walmart can know that you haven’t done anything to the head of lettuce before you brought it back.

That’s just a safety policy at work.

Digital software is something else that you simply won’t be able to return to Walmart.

Digital software can easily be replicated or downloaded on your own, prior to returning it to Walmart for a refund on the item that you used.

And it’s not even a physical item, so Walmart is not at liberty to accept the return on it. 

All Things Considered

Walmart is pretty open on most items that you want to return within 90 days.

They are even pretty open on items returned after 90 days, so long as you talk to the right person, remain polite, and escalate only when you need to do so. 

As far as non-returnable items, there is nothing you can do about those and there isn’t even a 90-day return on them.

Remember, you will catch more flies with honey and you should always position yourself that way when trying to return an item past 90 days.

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Lindsey graduated with an MBA in 2009. Since then, Lindsey has worked in the retail and consumer service industry as a manager, advisor, and marketer. Lindsey is also the head writer and Co-founder of Lindsey is based in Morgantown, West Virginia.

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