Does Macy’s Sell Real Gold? (All You Need to Know)

Does Macy's Sell Real Gold

Macy’s has a wide assortment of options for gold jewelry in 10k, 14k, and 18k gold at affordable prices. But is it real gold that you’re purchasing when you buy Macy’s gold jewelry?

Macy’s Jewelry has a number of different types of ‘gold’ jewelry, including gold-plated, gold vermeil, and gold alloy of 10k, 14k, or 18k gold. Whatever type of gold jewelry you’re looking for, you can probably find it in Macy’s.

Keep reading, and we’ll go over the details of the different types of Macy’s gold jewelry.


Does Macy’s Sell Real Gold?

Macy’s line of gold jewelry actually comes in three different types of ‘gold’ jewelry.

  • Gold plated jewelry
  • Gold vermeil jewelry
  • Solid gold jewelry

It also comes with three different karats of gold used:

  • 10 karat
  • 14 karat
  • 18 karat

Macy’s also offers three different colors of gold for you to choose from:

  • Yellow Gold
  • White Gold
  • Rose Gold

Each of these tells you some of the characteristics of the jewelry you are looking at.

What Are The Differences Between Types of Gold Jewelry?

The three different types of gold jewelry describe the three different compositions for gold jewelry.

Gold Plated:

Gold plated jewelry has a core of base metals, such as stainless steel.

It’s one of the most affordable types of gold jewelry, though it’s not considered ‘real gold’ jewelry.

One of the drawbacks to gold plated jewelry is the potential for corrosion if the plating is worn away.

Gold Vermeil:

Gold vermeil is very similar to gold plated jewelry, save that the core is made of precious metals as opposed to base metals.

The most common core for vermeil is silver or sterling silver that’s at least 95% pure silver.

There is a risk of tarnishing if the gold plating is worn away.

Gold vermeil is slightly more expensive than regular gold plated jewelry, but still more affordable than sold gold jewelry.

Gold vermeil is not considered ‘real gold’ jewelry.

Solid Gold Jewelry:

What is classified as ‘real’ gold jewelry, is solid gold from the core to the outer layers.

It’s softer than gold plated or gold vermeil. It’s also more expensive.

Solid gold jewelry comes in several different karats, used to describe the percentage of gold is used in the gold alloy.

Why Are There Different Colors of Gold?

The alloy used to strengthen the gold can be composed of different metals. Metalsmiths create different colors in the gold by altering the composition of the alloy for a specific effect.

The most common alloys include copper, zinc, silver, palladium, and nickel.

Yellow Gold:

The most common color of gold. The alloy used for this metal is usually a combination of silver and copper to enhance the natural tone of the gold itself.

A higher copper content will result in a deeper color, whereas a higher silver content will result in a brighter shade.

Lower karat gold is also more likely to have zinc or nickel, which is one reason higher karat gold is recommended for those with nickel sensitivity.

White Gold:

White gold is most commonly produced using an alloy that is primarily silver.

The higher the silver content of the alloy, the whiter the gold appears.

This color can also be achieved with a nickel/zinc alloy, so it’s something you’ll want to keep in mind if looking for white gold jewelry.

Because of the higher possibility of nickel and zinc in the alloy, this color gold is not the most highly recommended for those with nickel sensitivity.

Rose Gold:

Rose gold is formed with an alloy that is mostly copper. The greater the copper content, the redder the gold appears.

The copper used in the rose gold makes this one of the more affordable colors unless the white gold is made with a zinc/nickel alloy.

Silver is sometimes added to brighten the alloy.

What Do The Different Karats Of Gold Mean?

Gold is a soft metal, which is usually metallurgically formed into an alloy for a more durable piece of jewelry.

A karat – not to be confused with the ‘carat’ used for diamonds – describes the number of parts per 24 in the alloy that is pure gold.

10 Karat:

Is about 42 percent pure gold

14 Karat:

Is about 58 percent pure gold

18 Karat:

Is about 75 percent pure gold.

What Qualifies as ‘Real’ Gold?

In the jewelry community, 10 karat is the minimum karat that’s considered ‘real’ gold.

10 karats has less than 50 percent pure gold in the alloy, but is still legally considered real gold, though it is the lowest possible grade.

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What Are The Benefits of Different Karats of Gold?

Different karats have different positives and negatives to purchasing them. It all depends on what you’re looking for.

10 Karat Gold:

– The least expensive type of ‘real’ gold

– The most durable type of ‘real’ gold.

– More likely to have metals which might cause an allergic reaction, such as nickel.

– Has more potential for tarnish and corrosion, owing to the higher non-gold alloy content

– Has the least amount of market value

18 Karat Gold:

– Has higher market value

– Sturdier than pure gold, but softer than 10 karat.

– Has a deeper color than some lower grades

– Very little chance of corrosion or tarnishing

– Unlikely to have metals that cause allergic reactions, such as nickel.

– Substantially more expensive than the lower karat grades

14 Karat Gold:

– Considered a good balance between 10 karat and 18 karat

– Close in color to the 18 karat, but less expensive.

– Almost as sturdy as 10 karat, less soft than 18 karat

– High enough gold content to potentially avoid tarnishing and corrosion

– Less chance of allergic reaction, but some chance due to 42 percent alloy

Is Macy’s Gold Jewelry Considered High Quality?

Macy’s gold jewelry covers a wide range of styles, types, and karats, as is typical of a store that does not specifically specialize in jewelry.

In terms of quality, judges cite the following factors in determining how Macy’s compares:

– Macy’s is a well known retailer, with a reputation for high quality but affordable jewelry.

– Macy’s has a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee, as well as a 90 day return policy.

– Prices are based on weight of the item as well as the karat value, which makes sense for authentic gold, which is priced by the ounce.

Something To Be Aware Of:

Because Macy’s sells both real gold and gold-plated jewelry, you’ll want to be sure you double check what you’re getting when you go shopping.

How Can I Tell The Difference Between Gold Plated and Gold Jewelry at Macy’s?

One of the first indicators would be the price. Gold plated jewelry usually has a lower price tag than real gold jewelry of the same size and weight.

Labels should also give some indication. Most labels will tell you the main components of the jewelry.

You can also determine if it’s real gold by whether it’s referred to as fashion jewelry or fine jewelry.

– Fashion jewelry is usually gold plated, sometimes lower karat gold vermeil.

– Fine jewelry is usually either high quality gold vermeil or real solid gold.

What Kind of Real Gold Jewelry Does Macy’s Sell?

Macy’s sells four main categories of real gold jewelry, at least online.

  • Earrings – studs, hoops, and drop earrings
  • Necklaces – specifically gold chains of varying widths
  • Bracelets – Bangles, mesh link, and chain link bracelets
  • Religious pendants – gold and gold with enamel

Each of these comes in various widths, weights, and designs.

The necklaces are also found in varying lengths as well as varying widths of chain.

– Macy’s also sells necklaces with gold lockets in different styles

– Macy’s also sells collars and chokers in real gold.

Earrings in hoops come in different sizes as well.

– Small and medium of various widths

– Drop earrings also come in varied lengths and compositions, including tri-color.

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Final Thoughts

If you’re looking for ‘real’ gold jewelry at Macy’s you can find a wide selection of items such as bracelets, necklaces, and earrings, all in 10k, 14k, or 18k gold of different shades.

You can also find gold plated, or gold vermeil, if you’re looking for gold jewelry that’s more affordable, but it won’t be classified as real gold.

Whatever you’re looking for in terms of gold jewelry, and whatever budget you may have, you can probably find something you like at Macy’s.



Lindsey graduated with an MBA in 2009. Since then, Lindsey has worked in the retail and consumer service industry as a manager, advisor, and marketer. Lindsey is also the head writer and Co-founder of Lindsey is based in Morgantown, West Virginia.

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