Do Mattress Toppers Have Fiberglass (All You Need To Know)

Do Mattress Toppers Have Fiberglass

When you purchase a mattress topper, it is ideal that you know exactly what they are made of to ensure you are safe and comfortable throughout the night. One common question people tend to ask is whether or not their mattress topper has fiberglass.

Most mattress toppers contain some sort of fire retardant materials or chemicals to add a level of safety to their products.  However, a lot of mattress toppers on the market are made with a layer of fiberglass inside them used as a fire protectant barrier.

What other materials can be used in mattress toppers to keep you safe, and should you purchase any product made with fiberglass? 

Do Mattress Toppers Have Fiberglass?

When you hear that your mattress topper could have a fiberglass layer underneath the fabric, you might get a little concerned and even confused. 

Not to worry, fiberglass is a common material used as a layer of protection to keep your mattress from setting on fire.

While federal flammability regulations require mattresses to use some form of fire retardant, it is not a law applied to mattress toppers, though most companies still incorporate some type of fire-resistant product.

Is Fiberglass Inside Mattress Toppers Safe?

It isn’t uncommon to be worried that your mattress topper could be toxic after learning it includes a fiberglass layer directly underneath the fabric top.

However, fiberglass isn’t a toxic substance and isn’t going to leak dangerous poisons into your skin while you sleep on it.

With that said, it also isn’t comfortable and can be hazardous if it rips through the fabric case, thanks to the way it is made.

Read also >> Is Fiberglass in Mattresses Safe? (Hidden Hazard + More)

What is Fiberglass?

Fiberglass is a great way to reduce the risk of fire hazards in furniture around your house. But when exposed, it can be problematic for many.

Fiberglass is made from tons of tiny glass fibers arranged in a variety of ways and flattened into thin layers.

This thin sheet is then placed underneath the top fabric of your mattress topper to prevent the chances of fire engulfing your entire bed. 

What To Do if the Fiberglass Inside Your Mattress Topper Becomes Exposed?

Fiberglass, similar to installation, is made from thin sharp particles that can irritate your skin making you itchy and uncomfortable. 

If the fiberglass layer of your mattress topper becomes exposed, you should first try to sew up the torn area in the fabric, if this isn’t an option, you could always cover the exposed area with a thick piece of cloth.

If the tear is large, you might want to consider tossing out the topper and purchasing a new one.

Why is it Hazardous?

One of the biggest reasons you don’t want the fiberglass to escape from its casing is because of how easy it is for the tiny particles to escape and float around in the air, stick to your mattress, and stick to your clothes.

Because these particles are so small and in shape you can easily inhale them, possibly causing inflammation and irritation to your respiratory system. 

Fiberglass pieces are so small and hard to see, that they can be a huge pain to clean up, making them a less than a favorable option for mattress topper protection.

Read also >> Does Leesa Mattress have Fiberglass? (Best Mattresses)

Read also >> Does Lucid Mattress have Fiberglass? (Best Mattresses)

How Can You Tell If Your Mattress Topper Has Fiberglass?

It is required by law for companies to make the materials used to create a mattress topper available to the public.

If you are concerned about the materials in your specific brand you can check the label located somewhere on the topper.

Can’t find the label? No worries, you can always go online and look up your specific mattress topper and check the company’s site to see what they used when manufacturing the product.

If for some strange reason that doesn’t yield any results you can always call the company and simply ask.

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Is Fiberglass Effective at Preventing Fires?

A fiberglass layer doesn’t technically “prevent fires” on your bed. Instead, the fiberglass acts as a barrier between your fluffy mattress, a fire, and you. 

When fiberglass gets heated to a certain temperature, it starts to melt. This thick melted material then creates a glass barrier of sorts, providing you and your loved ones with more time to escape and get to safety.

It is one of the most effective ways of keeping your mattress from going up in flames during a house fire.

Can You Remove Fiberglass Sheets From Your Mattress Topper?

For most brands, the fiberglass layer is usually fairly easy to access, typically only requiring you to unzip a layer of fabric.

However, many professionals and safety experts recommend you call in the pros to take care of this task for you.

There are many companies out there that have the proper tools, knowledge, and safety equipment to make the task a little easier to handle. 

If you choose to remove the fiberglass yourself, be sure to take all proper safety measures and wash your clothing, room, tools, and yourself really well, removing as many particles as you possibly can. 

Below you can find 3 of the best Non-Fiberglass mattresses out there:

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Summing Things Up

Not all mattress toppers have fiberglass inside of them. However, you have no reason to worry if yours does. As long as it remains in place, with a layer of material separating its fibers and your skin, you can sleep soundly knowing you are perfectly safe from the sharp, tiny shards of glass and a possible fire. 



Lindsey graduated with an MBA in 2009. Since then, Lindsey has worked in the retail and consumer service industry as a manager, advisor, and marketer. Lindsey is also the head writer and Co-founder of Lindsey is based in Morgantown, West Virginia.

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