Does Lucid Mattress Have Fiberglass? (Safe, Flame Retardant)

Does Lucid Mattress Have Fiberglass

Do you know if Lucid mattresses have fiberglass, are they safe? Well, you are at the perfect place to find the answer to such a question.

Many Lucid mattresses are thought to contain fiberglass. These are typically the mattresses made using materials that are potentially fire hazards. Lucid claim that this is not the case and often advertise their products as fiberglass-free, but it’s thought that around 80% of their mattresses contain fiberglass.

In the following article, we cover everything you need to know about whether Lucid mattresses have fiberglass, including why it might be used and whether it is safe for use. 

Do Lucid mattresses have fiberglass?

A number of Lucid mattresses are thought to contain fiberglass. The Lucid mattresses that contain fiberglass are typically those which are made using potentially dangerous materials that can provide a fire hazard, like memory foam and innerspring mattresses.

Fiberglass is often used in mattresses like these to meet industry standards and protect from fire. 

Lucid themselves are quite vague on whether their mattresses contain fiberglass. They claim that their mattresses contain no harmful fire retardants and often advertise their mattresses as fiberglass-free.

Yet they also state that their mattresses do emit ‘low’ VOCs, which are gases released into the air by materials like fiberglass.

Many reviews have pointed out the presence of fiberglass in their Lucid mattresses. A number of customers have purchased Lucid mattresses believing them to be fiberglass-free, something which many people look for when buying a mattress.

Yet a lot of these customers have been disappointed to find out that their mattress does indeed contain fiberglass.

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Why might Lucid use fiberglass?

If Lucid is using fiberglass in their mattresses, it could be because of a number of reasons. Further on, we will look in more detail at some of the reasons fiberglass is still used in mattresses.

However, it’s likely that one of the main reasons Lucid uses fiberglass is to ensure their mattresses are meeting the fire standards of the industry.

What is fiberglass?

Fiberglass is a fire-retardant, used to protect potentially flammable materials when they are used in products like mattresses.

Fiberglass can be dangerous if released into the air and inhaled, meaning it has seen a decline in use over recent years. It is made using the small fibers from glass, which causes it to be very strong and durable.

Read also>> Do Ikea Mattresses Have Fiberglass? (Safe + Flame Retardant)

Is fiberglass safe?

Fiberglass is thought to be safe so long as it is confined within the mattress cover. It only becomes potentially harmful if it is able to escape the cover and get into the air and the surrounding areas. Let’s look at some of the consequences that can occur if fiberglass is allowed out of the mattress cover:

  • It can be hard to remove from soft furnishings. Fiberglass very easily clings to soft fabrics like clothing, carpets, and curtains. Not only is it expensive to get it removed professionally, but it can also spread quickly from area to area, meaning it is very easy to miss some and leave yourself exposed to the potential harm.
  • One of the most dangerous parts of fiberglass escaping from its cover is throat irritation, which can occur if fiberglass is inhaled. Throat irritation can be very painful and lead to other issues but should not be a problem with fiberglass unless it is free from the mattress cover.
  • Alongside throat irritation, fiberglass can also cause skin irritation if it comes into close contact with the skin. As fiberglass itself is typically sharp and fine, it can easily scrape the skin and cause it to become irritated. This can be uncomfortable, itchy, and painful.
  • There are also some more severe consequences of inhaling fiberglass, which are thought to be fairly rare. When inhaled, small pieces of fiberglass can get into the lungs, where they can stay for a long time. This can cause soreness in the throat and nose and can make things like asthma or bronchitis worse.

Best Memory Foam Mattress Without Fiberglass: Non-Fiberglass Options

Many companies are seeking creative ways to make their mattresses more flame-resistant without using fiberglass.

Caper is one example we have already talked about. They use a silica sock that is under the cover of the mattress.

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Why is fiberglass used in mattresses?

Despite the dangers it can pose, fiberglass also has a number of benefits that mean it is still used in many products we use every day, including mattresses.

Many manufacturers opt to use fiberglass because of the benefits it can offer and the fact that it is typically safe to use if confined to a mattress cover. Some of the benefits of fiberglass include:

  • Fiberglass is extremely durable, meaning it is strong enough to last a long time and hold up against pressures like body weight,
  • It’s very cheap for manufacturers to purchase and use in their products, meaning they are easily able to meet industry standards when it comes to fire protection,
  • It is an effective fire retardant, which prevents the mattress from being a potential fire hazard – this is a legal requirement in many places. 

How to tell if your mattress has fiberglass

It isn’t always easy to tell whether a mattress has any fiberglass, but there are a few things you can do to check.

Manufacturers are required legally to ensure the materials they have used, including fiberglass, is displayed on the product. This means your mattress should always declare if fiberglass has been used.

Checking for a label is one of the best and easiest ways to check whether a mattress has fiberglass. Manufacturers are obliged by law to declare which materials are used to create their products, including the amount of each material that has been used.

Check your mattress label for a percentage of glass fiber, as this will indicate the use of fiberglass. 

Something else you can do is look for a warning label on your mattress, which will indicate whether fiberglass has been used in manufacturing the mattress.

Your mattress should warn against removing the cover, which can release fiberglass into the air and be potentially harmful.

Read also>> Does Casper Mattress Have Fiberglass? (Best Without Fiberglass)

Final Thoughts

Although Lucid claim that their mattresses are fiberglass-free, this is not thought to be the case for every one of the mattresses they produce.

Some Lucid mattresses have been found to have fiberglass, despite them being advertised as fiberglass-free.

Fiberglass is often used in mattresses to protect against fire and meet industry standards.



Lindsey graduated with an MBA in 2009. Since then, Lindsey has worked in the retail and consumer service industry as a manager, advisor, and marketer. Lindsey is also the head writer and Co-founder of Lindsey is based in Morgantown, West Virginia.

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