Does Leesa Mattress have Fiberglass? (Best Mattresses)

does leesa mattress have fiberglass

Do you know if Leesa mattress has fiberglass? Well, you are at the perfect place to find the answer to such a question.

Fiberglass is a mainstay in the manufacturing industry and it has so many applications that it’s pointless to list them all. As a combination of plastic and glass fibers, it probably sounds pretty unsafe, especially if it’s in the air.

When it comes to Leesa bed mattresses, however, the answer is a little more complicated.

According to Leesa Customer Service, there is no fiberglass in the cover (sock) on the outside of their mattresses, however, there is fiberglass on the interior of the mattress, beneath the outer sock layer. The fiberglass material is designed as a fire retardant.

So long as the stuff remains inside the mattress, there shouldn’t be any health concerns for you or anyone else who comes into contact with the bed.

If there is a tear in the mattress or you have worn down the material to the point where the inner material is exposed, it can become detrimental to your health.

How Does Fiberglass Effect You?

Fiberglass is composed of tiny plastic fibers that are boded into tiny glass fibers. These little fibers are sharp and will stick to your skin like a thorn that you can’t even see it.

If it finds its way down into your brachial tubes and lungs, it will cause sneezing, coughing, irritation in the airways, and will progressively worsen.

The worst part is that if it finds its way into the air, your air conditioning (HVAC) system will effectively disperse it throughout the entire house. A/C filters don’t come close to capturing everything, even if you only use premium filters.

You will think you are having an allergic reaction to something and, unless you see the fact that there is a tear in your mattress, you may not know the cause in the beginning.

When fiberglass comes into contact with your skin, it will cause itching and tiny lumps of irritated skin will rise up. Your initial reaction might be to suspect bed bugs or fleas as there are similarities in the symptoms.

If this ever happens to you, grab a roll of masking tape and wrap it or stick it to the exposed areas of skin that are irritable. Peel the tape off slowly and it will pull the tiny little fiberglass spines out of your skin.

Read also >> Is Fiberglass in Mattresses Safe? (Hidden Hazard + More)

Read also >> Does Casper Mattress Have Fiberglass? (Best Without Fiberglass)

Why is Fiberglass Used in Leesa Mattresses?

In the past, manufacturers have used a number of materials in mattresses that are fire retardants. Despite the good intentions, many of these materials are hazardous to your health.

Fiberglass is just the latest attempt to create a fire-retardant mattress while retaining a solid level of comfort.

Fortunately, Leesa Mattresses keep the fiberglass In the interior of the mattress, so it’s much more difficult for it to reach the surface without damage to the mattress that penetrates deep enough to expose it.

Can it Endanger Your Home?

It may be an extreme example, but a fiberglass mattress was responsible for running these people out of their homes.

That’s not something that happens often, however, if the stuff really gets loose out of your mattress, it can spread around your home rapidly, especially if it gets in your HVAC system.

If you’ve ever worked with fiberglass before, especially in the insulation industry, you know just how irritating the substance can be and that’s before it makes its way into your lungs.

It has the potential to endanger everyone in your home on a long-term basis, even if you get rid of the mattress immediately.

Read also >> Does Nectar Mattress Have Fiberglass? (Safe, Best Non Toxic)

Read also >> Does Purple Mattress Have Fiberglass? (Best Non Toxic, Safe)

How Can You Tell if There is Fiberglass in a Leesa Mattress?

There is fiberglass in all Leesa Mattresses, so there is really no “tell” as to whether or not it’s there because we know that it’s there.

The natural question that follows is how to tell that any mattress has fiberglass?

If you’re looking for a non-fiberglass mattress, you will have to go outside of what Leesa has to offer. The easiest way to find a mattress that has no fiberglass is to focus on organic mattresses.

Since there is a notorious lack of informative labels, you’ll need to actively search on the internet to find an organic mattress, and Sleep Foundation is one of the mattress retailers out there that markets and sells organic mattresses.

Another way to tell is to check any and all labels associated with the mattress. Of course, we just told you that labels are notorious for neglecting that information, however, some labels do have the information on there, so it’s worth taking the time to check it over.

There are two factors that indicate your mattress has fiberglass, especially if the label doesn’t provide you with that information. The first sign is if it is an inexpensive memory foam mattress.

Memory foam mattresses have become all the rage and those of us who are on a budget are jumping all over cheap memory foam mattresses without realizing that they are probably manufactured with a lot of fiberglass.

If you purchased your mattress from China, that’s the second guarantee that the mattress contains fiberglass.

China manufactures mattresses with fiberglass because of its fire-retardant capability and because it is an exceptionally cheap material to use.

Below you can see 3 of the best Non-fiberglass mattresses out there:

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Leesa mattresses do have fiberglass in them. However, unlike some other mattresses on the market, Leesa keeps the fiberglass buried below a thick, outer layer.

That outer layer will keep you from having a reaction to the fiberglass unless the outer layer is compromised.



Lindsey graduated with an MBA in 2009. Since then, Lindsey has worked in the retail and consumer service industry as a manager, advisor, and marketer. Lindsey is also the head writer and Co-founder of Lindsey is based in Morgantown, West Virginia.

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