Who Makes Kirkland Hot Dogs? (Beef, Ingredients)

Who Makes Kirkland Hot Dog

Anyone who has tried Costco’s hot dogs fell in love with their delicious taste and wonderfully steamed bun.

In addition to the hot dogs sold at Costco’s food court, the prepackaged Kirkland Signature hot dogs are also delicious and have a huge cult following.

So, who makes Kirkland Hot Dogs? Costco manufactures Kirkland Hot Dods at their own meat facility located in the United States after the cost of other hot dog manufacturers got too expensive.

To learn more about Costco’s interesting move to make their own delicious hot dogs, read on.

Who Makes Kirkland Signature Hot Dogs?

As you likely know, Kirkland Signature is Costco’s in-house brand. Many of the Kirkland Signature products are sold at a budget price but produced by big-name labels.

The same is not true for the Kirkland Signature hot dogs. Although they were once produced by a big company, Costco now makes its own hot dogs.

In fact, Costco has its own meat plant located in California. There, the plant is packed full of Costco employees to make their hot dogs and various other meat products they manufacture and sell.

This plant is believed to have been owned by Hebrew National at some point, but it is now Costco’s.

Why Costco Makes Their Own Hot Dogs

For many years, Costco’s products were manufactured by Hebrew National, but Costco removed the company as its supplier in 2008.

Since then, all Kirkland Signature hot dogs, including the hot dogs sold in Costco’s food court, are made by Costco in their own meat plant.

Since Hebrew National is such a known company for its hot dogs, you might be wondering why Costco would switch from them to manufacturing their own hot dogs.

Although Costco has never confirmed why they removed Hebrew National from the supplier list, it is believed that Costco did this because of how expensive Hebrew National was becoming.

More specifically, a few Costco employees talked about hearing rumors that Hebrew National started asking for more money as kosher meats were becoming more popular.

As a result, Costco did not view out-of-house companies as an economic choice for their hot dog production.

Read also: Who Makes Kirkland Tuna Fish? (Packs, Albacore, Nutrition)

Review of Kirkland Signature Hot Dogs

Even after Costco started manufacturing their own hot dogs, shoppers went crazy over them. In fact, the Costco hot dogs became even more popular once Costco began manufacturing them on their own.


Flavor-wise, people go absolutely crazy over the Costco hot dogs. If you look online, you can find article after article raving about their flavor, both in the store court and from a package.

In several roundups, the Kirkland Signature hot dog beats out other major hot dog brands, including Nathan’s Angus beef, Oscar Mayer, and Trader Joe’s.

kirkland Hot Dog Ingredients

It’s the ingredients within these hot dogs that really allow the Kirkland Signature brand to stand out. Once they started producing their own meat products, the Kirkland Signature hot dogs were made from 100% pure beef.

More so, they do not include any by-products, corn syrup, fillers, phosphates, artificial colors, or artificial flavors.


Another reason why people love Kirkland Signature hot dogs is their price. At the Costco food court, a pre-made hot dog only costs $1.00. Given that these hot dogs are a quarter pound of 100% beef, that is a great deal.

That being said, the prepackaged Kirkland Signature hot dogs are not as affordable. The Kirkland Signature hot dogs go for about $1.11 per hot dog.

In comparison, Oscar Mayer hot dogs cost about $0.20 per hot dog.

So, the prepackaged Kirkland Signature hot dogs are much more expensive.

However, most people are willing to pay this price because the quality of the Kirkland Signature hot dogs is much more impressive than just about any other brand on the market.

What Other Users Say  

People who try Kirkland Signature hot dogs go crazy over their taste. Buyers repeatedly attest to just how tasty and delicious these hot dogs taste.

Even though the hot dogs are more expensive, there are practically no people that even mention the more expensive price, only the higher quality flavor.

Should You Try Kirkland Signature Hot Dogs?

Even though Kirkland Signature hot dogs are pricey in the long run, you should definitely try some. They are delicious because of their healthy and natural ingredients.

Whether you stop by the Costco food court or pick up your own pack, you will likely fall in love with the Kirkland Signature hot dogs.

Final Thoughts

The Kirkland Signature hot dogs are manufactured by Costco, which allows them to control all of the ingredients that go into the dog.

As a result, these hot dogs are the tastiest in the industry. We recommend trying out Costco hot dogs if you have not already.

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Lindsey graduated with an MBA in 2009. Since then, Lindsey has worked in the retail and consumer service industry as a manager, advisor, and marketer. Lindsey is also the head writer and Co-founder of Rvandplaya.com. Lindsey is based in Morgantown, West Virginia.

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