Do you know if Ace Hardware makes house keys? Does Ace Hardware duplicate or make copies of house keys? These are questions our readers ask a lot. Well, we´ve got you covered.
Ace Hardware, also known as True Value, has a location in every state throughout the US. So, when you lose your spare house key or add a new roommate, you may want to go there for copying services.
So, does Ace Hardware make house keys? Yes, Ace Hardware makes copies of house keys. They can make any standard house key and have a wide selection of blanks.
I will take you through the ins and outs of going how to get a house key made with Ace Hardware, how much does a duplicate key costs.
Table of Contents
How Do You Know If Your Local Ace Hardware Can Make House Keys?
While most Ace Hardware stores throughout the country have the capacity to make house keys, not all locations do. The best way to check is to first find your store.
They do have a “store locator” function on their site. But, at the time of this writing, it’s less than desirable.
So, if you use something like Google maps, you should be able to find at least one close to your home. When you click on the website icon, they have all the store’s services listed.
However, just because it mentions they have the ability to cut keys doesn’t mean you should walk in just yet.
Read also: Does Lowes Make Keys? (Car, Home, Key Cutting + More)
Not All Locations Standardize Locksmith Services
This is because some locations only have a locksmith scheduled on certain days of the week. Others may require you to set an appointment due to the backlog of orders they receive on a daily basis.
Therefore, you should call during normal business hours and ask about their key cutting services.
Also, even though a location may indicate on their individual page on Ace Hardware’s website they have key cutting services, it may not reflect actual reality.
There are times where locations used to be able to cut keys, but they no longer have a locksmith on staff.
Are There Any Conditions to Getting a House Key Made at Ace Hardware?
Aside from locksmith availability, there are some other conditions to take heed. In regards to blanks, you can neither pre-purchase blanks from their store online nor bring in your own from somewhere else.
You have to buy a blank from Ace Hardware in the store at the time you submit your house key for duplication.
Also, note that Ace Hardware only has the ability to duplicate an original house key. If you lost or misplaced your key, you will have to call a certified and independent locksmith to create a new one for you.
How Much Does It Cost to Get a House Key Made at Ace Hardware?
Getting a key made at Ace isn’t very expensive at all.
You’re looking at anywhere from $1.50 to $8.50, depending on the kind of key. However, on average, you’re looking at about $3 or $4.
In general, for single-sided cuts, it will be at most $3.
The price range increases for double-sided keys and can cost between $2.50 and $4. For keys requiring coding, this will cost around $5 but it can be as much as $8.
What to Do If Ace Hardware Can’t Make a House Key?
If you are unable to get a house key made at Ace Hardware, you do have other options available. You can go to Lowes or Home Depot and get a key copied through them.
However, in the case of Home Depot, you may run into similar issues as you do at Ace Hardware.
This will be especially true if you live in a small city or rural area. You will have to call Home Depot ahead to see if they have key cutting services and whether you need to schedule an appointment or not.
However, Lowes should be able to help you without question or condition.
The only problem with Lowes is that they may put you on a wait list because of how many orders they have to fill.
In the case, you need a key right away and you can’t get any hardware store to make a key for you, you can visit a key duplication kiosk.
Minute Key & KeyMe
There are two companies available. One is Minute Key, and the other is KeyMe. The difference between the two is their method of capturing your key and their kiosk locations.
Minute key scans your key and cuts it. KeyMe, on the other hand, scans your key, which then gets saved into the cloud along with all other associated personal information.
Both provide copies that are quick, easy to use, and very inexpensive. You just pay for the key; you don’t also pay for the labor involved with a locksmith.
There are benefits and pitfalls with using both, so you should check both company’s websites for details. The table below indicates where you can find each kiosk:
Minute Key | KeyMe |
Lowe’s Home Depot Tractor Supply Wal-Mart | Kroger Menards Bed, Bath & Beyond Big Lots Simon Malls |
Read also: Does AAA Make Keys (Car, Houses, Motorcycle + More)
Ace Hardware does make house keys. In most instances, there shouldn’t be a problem and it won’t cost you more than $10 to do.
However, some locations have limited access to a locksmith. So, you’ll want to check around before you go in.
Here are some of my favorite services, products, and Stores
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To see all my of most up-to-date recommendations, check out this resource that I made for you!
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