Do Tempurpedic Mattresses Have Fiberglass (Full Guide)

Do Tempurpedic Mattresses Have Fiberglass

Most memory foam mattresses include fiberglass to provide a fire retardant barrier that keeps you safe while you sleep.

Although there are some benefits to fiberglass, fiberglass is very dangerous too. When you can, it’s always best to select a memory foam mattress that is free of fiberglass so you can breathe easy and stay safe in bed.

Do Tempurpedic mattresses have fiberglass? No. These mattresses have a safer fire retardant system that is fully free from fiberglass. This makes Tempurpedic mattresses safe and comfortable.

If you are interested in learning more about fiberglass mattresses and why Tempurpedic mattresses use different materials, keep reading. You will also learn about Tempurpedic mattress’s fire retardant barrier.

What Is Fiberglass?

Before we dive into why Tempurpedic mattresses do not have fiberglass, let’s take a moment to talk about fiberglass specifically.

Fiberglass is something that many people have heard of, but they are not in the know about what it is and why it is frequently used in memory foam beds specifically.

Fiberglass is a type of composite material. It is made by reinforcing small pieces of plastic with glass and synthetic chemicals.

Through this process, the fiberglass acts as a fire barrier. For this reason, fiberglass is a common material found in attics and other spaces that require fire barriers.

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Does Tempurpedic Mattress Have Fiberglass?

You’ll be happy to find out that Tempurpedic mattresses do not have fiberglass.

Fiberglass is not a material in any part of the mattress, including the cover and the mattress itself.

Instead, Tempurpedic mattresses use a safer fire retardant that does not cause inflammatory responses.

Why Is Fiberglass in Mattresses?

After fully understanding what fiberglass is, you might be a bit confused as to why this material is frequently found in memory foam mattresses.

Simply put, these mattresses have specific fire regulations in order to keep you safe while you are sleeping.

Fiberglass itself is affordable, flexible, and durable, all while being flame retardant. As such, fiberglass meets the industry standards concerning fire barriers. Companies will weave fiberglass into the memory foam mattress to ensure it is flame retardant to some degree.

How exactly does fiberglass work as a flame retardant? Fiberglass is a protective layer because it is both a temperature insulator and a thermal barrier.

If your mattress catches on fire, it will melt before catching on fire. This melting process helps slow the speed of the fire, giving you more time to escape.

Dangers of Fiberglass Mattresses?

So, fiberglass helps to keep you safe while you are sleeping. Isn’t that a good thing? Yes, but there are some dangers of fiberglass being incorporated into your mattress.

Studies have found that fiberglass can cause an inflammatory response in adults and children alike. That is why you are not supposed to touch the fiberglass material around your home.

It causes microscopic cuts and irritation to your body that you want to avoid.

By laying on a fiberglass mattress, you normally are not touching the mattress, meaning you don’t get bodily cuts. After all, you probably sleep on sheets.

Even so, these fibers can get into the air, which you then inhale while sleeping. These fibers can then reach your lungs and lead to serious health effects.

Because of the dangers associated with sleeping on a fiberglass mattress, it’s always best to avoid fiberglass mattresses entirely. That begs the question, do Tempurpedic mattresses have fiberglass?

Read also >> Do Novilla Mattresses Have Fiberglass? (All You Need to Know)

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What Is the Tempurpedic Mattress Fire Barrier?

Instead of using fiberglass, Tempurpedic mattresses have a sock that is made from filament silica, modacrylic, and cotton.

It is the modacrylic that is flame retardant. Meanwhile, the cotton creates a char barrier while the silica strengthens the barrier. The char barrier keeps the flames further away from the foam in the case of a fire.

To make matters even better, this sock around the Tempurpedic is removable. That way, you have complete protection while you are sleeping, but you can wash the sock during the day too.

By washing the sock, you make your Tempurpedic mattress even safer because there is no buildup of dander, dust, or skin that can irritate your lungs and allergies.

Parts of a Tempurpedic Mattressbuild-up

To fully understand the sock around the Tempurpedic mattress, let’s take a look at all of the mattress parts.

  • Cover: The fire retardant soft is technically the cover of the mattress. It is cool to the touch and is zippable so you can wash it. It’s important to always keep this cover in place while you’re sleeping to be as safe as possible.
  • Comfort Layers: Inside the cover, you will find different layers of the mattress. The comfort layers are made up of the tempur materials so you can choose your firmness and foam type. It is these comfort layers that make Tempurpedic mattresses so comfortable.
  • Support Layers: There are also support layers inside the cover. These layers are made of high-density foam. Some hybrid Tempurpedic mattresses also include a coil support system in addition to the support layers.

Together, all of these parts work together to create a comfortable and safe bet to sleep on.

Below you can find 3 of the best Non-Fiberglass mattresses out there:

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Once again, Tempurpedic mattresses do not have fiberglass. Instead, the outside sock includes three materials that work together to create a fire-retardant barrier.

This barrier is much safer than fiberglass alternatives.

On top of being super safe, Tempurpedic mattresses are some of the most comfortable around. So, you can’t go wrong when selecting a Tempurpedic mattress.



Lindsey graduated with an MBA in 2009. Since then, Lindsey has worked in the retail and consumer service industry as a manager, advisor, and marketer. Lindsey is also the head writer and Co-founder of Lindsey is based in Morgantown, West Virginia.

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