Who Makes Great Value Cereal For Walmart? (Cereal Bars)

Who Makes Great Value Cereal

Have you ever asked yourself or your friend who produces or makes Great Value cereal or cereal bars for Walmart? Well, you are at the perfect place to find the answer to such a question.

Great Value is Walmart‘s signature brand. The products are made for Walmart but not by Walmart

So, who makes Great Value cereal? Great Value cereal is made by Kellogg’s and General Mills. Various industry leaders manufacture products for Walmart‘s Great Value brand. The discount giant’s goal is to offer similar quality products for lower prices.

In this article, we’re taking a quick look at the line of Great Value cereals and the companies behind them.

Read on for a deeper explanation.

What Companies Make Great Value Cereal?

Great Value cereal boxes sit on the shelves of Walmart right next to well-known brand-name cereals made by the very companies that produce Walmart‘s signature brand line of cereals. 

It may seem that there’s a conflict of interest with this scenario. But there’s not. The cereals are similar but not the same. Ingredients and measurements of them are tweaked in the Great Value cereals. 

The two companies that make most of the Great Value boxes of cereal are Kellogg’s and General Mills.

Walmart offers both of these brands’ cereals on its shelves, too. But not all of Walmart‘s customers can afford the brand-name cereal prices. 

Great Value cereal is offered as a more affordable alternative with similar quality. 

Does Walmart Make Any Great Value Products?

Walmart does not make any of the products it sells under the Great Value brand.

It launched its signature brand in 1993 as a way to make quality products more attainable for lower-income households.

The best way to offer the quality level intended at the prices they wanted to was to contract out the manufacturing of those products.

Walmart didn’t see a reason to purchase or build its own manufacturing plants.

Instead, they thought to reach out to other manufacturing giants in the industries where they wanted to launch products from.

Read also: Who Makes Great Value Flour?

What Kinds of Great Value Cereal Are There?

You can find a Great Value cereal equivalent for almost any of the popular brand-name versions. Here are some of them.

  • GV Frosted Shredded Wheat = Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-Wheats
  • GV Rice Squares = General Mills Rice Chex
  • GV Rice Crispers = Kellogg’s Rice Crispies
  • GV Frosted Flakes = Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes
  • GV Honey Nut O’s = General Mills Honey Nut Cheerios
  • GV Raisin Bran = Kellogg’s Raisin Bran
  • GV Honey Graham Crunch = General Mills Golden Grahams
  • GV Magic Treasures = General Mills Lucky Charms
  • GV Fruit Spins = Kellogg’s Fruit Loops

Keep in mind these are only some of the Great Value cereals available at Walmart

Who Makes Great Value Cereal Bars

Great Value cereal bars are made by Walmart. Great Value Variety Pack Fruit & Grain Cereal Bars are filled with real fruit filling and deliver a burst of natural fruit flavors in every bite.

Read also: Are Pure Protein Bars Good For Building Muscle (Best Tips)

Are Great Value Cereals Cheaper Than Other Brands?

Yes, they are. Great Value cereal is typically around $.30 to $1.00 cheaper than the brand-name equivalents.

You’ll usually get more cereal in a Great Value box, as well. 

Does Great Value Cereal Taste Like Kellogg’s and General Mills Cereal?

Some customers report tasting a difference between the discount Great Value brand and the name-brand products. 

On average, consumers don’t taste any difference.

The ingredients and measurements are only slightly different, so it’s difficult for most people to discern.

Are Great Value Products Sold Anywhere Besides Walmart?

Walmart is the only retailer that sells Great Value products. It’s not likely this signature brand will ever be sold by other retailers.

Walmart built the Great Value brand around the central idea to offer customers high-quality products for bargain prices. 

Walmart also wanted to offer products you can’t find anywhere else. The discount retailer must keep its brand closely held to maintain its exclusivity. 

How Many Great Value Products Are There?

We’re not sure of the exact number of Great Value products sold by Walmart. We do know that in 2009, many of the brand’s food products were revamped.

Walmart updated and tested more than 5,000 existing products. It also added 80 new products at that time. 

Great Value items are positioned in all different departments of the stores. While the majority are found in the grocery aisles, other categories of Great Value product lines exist, as well. 

Who Makes Walmart‘s Great Value Brand Products? >> Check out the video below:

Is Great Value a Profitable Brand?

Walmart’s Great Value brand is highly profitable. It earns upwards of $27 billion yearly.

It continues to grow, so fans of the brand can count on seeing more Great Value products on the shelves of their local Walmart stores. 

Are Great Value Cereals Good?

Most people report these cereals to be as good as the brand-name versions. Kellogg’s and General Mills are both giants in this industry.

Customers should feel good about purchasing any products manufactured by them.

Wrap Up

Great Value cereals are made by both Kellogg’s and General Mills for Walmart.

 All of Walmart‘s Great Value products are made by other manufacturers who already have the necessary facilities to do so.

The setup allows Walmart to offer its private label items at a lower price point to consumers. 

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Lindsey graduated with an MBA in 2009. Since then, Lindsey has worked in the retail and consumer service industry as a manager, advisor, and marketer. Lindsey is also the head writer and Co-founder of Rvandplaya.com. Lindsey is based in Morgantown, West Virginia.

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