How Much Wind Can a Pop Up Camper Take? Is It Dangerous?

How Much Wind Can a Pop Up Camper Take

If you are considering a pop up camper as an option to enjoy camping, you may be wondering how much wind a pop-up camper can take. And is it dangerous to camp out in a pop up camper during high wind storms.

 How much wind can a pop-up camper take and is it dangerous? Most pop up campers can withstand and remain stable in 40MPH gusts of wind. Many campers reported being nervous as gusts of wind rocked their pop-up camper and made a lot of noise. It isn’t dangerous to camp in a pop-up camper during strong wind storms, but cautionary measures are recommended. However, how much wind a pop-up camper can take depends on a variety of factors.

If you are planning on camping in your pop up camper and high wind conditions are a possibility, then there are some actions you can take to ensure your pop up camper remains stable.

How much wind can a pop up camper take?

How much wind a pop up camper can take depends on a variety of factors. This includes its length, height and weight.

A study done in 1995 determined, the minimum amount of wind speed needed to overturn high profile trailers, when blowing perpendicular to the vehicle.

The scientists determined that low-profile vehicles, such as automobiles and trucks, were unlikely to turn over because of their aerodynamic design.

Here’s what they found:

Length of trailerMax. Wind speed
16.4 feet101 MPH
18 feet53 MPH
29.5 feet65 MPH

Average length of a pop up camper

The length of a pop up camper is determined by its box size, or how long it is when everything is closed up. This can be between 10-12 feet, with some pop up campers stretching to 16 feet.

A good rule of thumb is to double the length to determine how long your pop up camper will be when fully open.

Related: How to Choose the Right Size Travel Trailer: An In-Depth Guide

Average height of a pop up camper

All pop up campers are designed to be aerodynamic while being towed. So however, much wind your vehicle can withstand dictates how much your pop up camper can handle while being towed.

High-profile trailers are about 10-11 feet high. When fully opened, even some of the tallest pop up campers don’t normally extend above 10-15 feet in exterior height.

Average weight of a pop up camper

Another factor in determining how much wind your pop up camper can take is how much it weighs. Pop up campers range in weight from 600 pounds to 4,500 pounds.

So, on average, a pop up camper weight around 2,000 pounds. When considering how much wind force is needed to knock over a camper, consider the mass and center of gravity.

The heavier your camper, the more stable it is likely to be during high wind storms. Don’t forget to include the weight all of your belongings, fresh water in your fresh water tank and the weight of any human and animal occupants.

Check your pop up camper for specific ratings and specs.

Is it dangerous to camp in a pop up camper during a wind storm?

Camping in a pop up camper during low to moderate wind storms can be disconcerting, but it isn’t dangerous. However, when the speed of the wind picks up to more than 40 miles per hour, that’s when it becomes necessary to take some precautionary measures.

Some campers have reported that when wind speeds picked up to over 40 miles per hour, they noticed their pop up trailer rocking and the roof swayed. But for the most part, their pop up camper stayed stable.

When properly set up, you shouldn’t have any problems with higher gusts of wind as the lift systems are designed to handle the sway of long road trips and hauled over rougher surfaces or even off-road.

Wind in a Pop Up Camper! >> Check out the video below:

Actions you can take to keep your pop up camper stable

Your pop up camper is designed to withstand sudden summer storms and unexpected spring showers. It’s weight and center of gravity are low to the ground. But there are some things you can do to help your pop up camper be stable and to be safe in unexpected high wind conditions.

  • Plan ahead. Depending on the time of year you’re camping, consider the location and weather during your trip. If you know that high wind conditions are possible, make sure you plan for that event so you’re not surprised when it happens.
  • Choose your camping spot wisely. Try to choose a camping spot that isn’t too exposed, if possible, to the wind. Be careful about parking under tall trees. Especially ones that have broken branches or are rotted out.
  • Have a secure shelter. If you’re using a dedicated camping ground, check to see if they have shelter-in-place sites. This is typically located in the restrooms and shower facilities.
  • Consider guy lines and ground anchors. Some campers use ground anchors and tied down straps if they’re camping in high weather conditions.  Especially on their awnings, which are notorious for blowing away or ripping off. This process is similar to anchoring an E-Z up or other tent like structures.
  • Bring your awning in. If you are going to leave your camp site for any length of time, never leave your awning out. Always bring it in and secure it against the pop up camper. Also make sure to bring anything else that could blow away, like camping chairs or tables.
  • Carry a weather alert radio. Have a good weather alert radio on hand that keeps you updated on the latest weather. Make sure to include fresh batteries. This way you can always be aware of unexpected bad weather and be prepared in case of emergency.
  • Use quality chocks. No matter what other measures you take, having a quality pair of chocks for each wheel is vitally important. Don’t use plastic chocks because in high wind conditions, they can easily slide away. Choose quality rubber blocks to keep your wheels from rolling in one direction or another.
  • Bring in slide outs. Depending on the speed of the wind, you may want to consider bring your slide outs in. This reduces the effects of the wind on your camper. Though some campers found it unnecessary and slept right through storms, snug and comfortable.
  • Lower roof if necessary. Depending on the severity of the storm, you may want to consider lowering your roof. Consider this as a last option because if the winds are blowing so hard you feel like your camper will blow away, lowering your roof requires a number of other steps first. And it can be time consuming and unnecessary.
  • Leave your pop up camper attached to your tow vehicle. If you are experiencing high wind conditions where you are, leaving your pop up camper attaching to your tow vehicle may give it some extra stability.
  • Use stabilizer bars while towing. Even though pop up campers are designed to easily tuck behind your tow vehicle, they have a tendency to sway when being towed down the road. Using stabilizer bars while towing your pop up camper can help distribute the weight.
  • Decide when it’s time to leave. You’ve set up your camping site and are having a great time. You’ve taken all the necessary precautions in case of an emergency or unexpected high wind storm. But the storm may reach a point where you have to consider leaving your campsite altogether.

Pop Up Campers are Built to Withstand Wind

Pop up campers are designed and built to withstand a fair amount of wind. Camping in your pop up camper during in high wind conditions isn’t dangerous. Although the noise and the swaying motion may alarm you.

Consider taking precautionary measures with gusts of wind over 40 MPH, but don’t be alarmed. Do any research necessary to alleviate your concerns, and enjoy your pop up camper

What I Am Using? Weather Station with High Definition Touchscreen Display

I’m sure there are lots of good weather Station and I haven’t done a head-to-head test or anything, but the one I ended up buying is this AcuRite 01009M and I’m happy with it.

It not only fits all of those criteria, it’s half the cost of what comparable Weather Station sell for at Camping World (the local RV place here in Meridian, Idaho).

Purchase: If you are interested in this Weather Station with High Definition Touchscreen Display then just follow the link to Amazon where you can see current pricing.


Mike Gilmour

Hi, I'm Mike, co-founder, and editor of RV and Playa. My passion is traveling (with my RV) and enjoying the day at the beach (Playa)! Well, I originally created this blog as a way to share what I've learned by experimenting with the RV lifestyle, and I want to help others develop in life through new skills and opportunities.

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