Do you know how many peanuts you can eat on keto? Well, you are at the perfect place to find the answer to such a question.
Peanuts are a quick, healthy snack for any time during the day. Can a person on a Keto diet consume peanuts the same way a person on no diet?
When on a Keto diet, you can consume peanuts as a snack. However, since peanuts contain many carbs, it is best to limit the intake to 30 grams or less regularly. These 30 grams of peanuts contain 15.5 grams of fat and 5 grams of carbs. Anything above this set limit is likely to interfere with the balanced nutritional intake when on a Keto diet.
More information on healthy nuts intake during Keto dieting is mentioned below. Read on!
Table of Contents
Nuts that are safe to consume
Nuts as a whole may seem like the perfect snack to cut the carbs and get over short hunger urgers. While this may be true in some cases, nuts generally contain high amounts of carbs and a low amount of protein.
This is the opposite of what a keto diet aims to provide a person, i.e., a high amount of protein with minimal carb intake.
Not all nuts are safe to eat when on a high protein diet. The safe ones are listed below, and explain why they are safe.
- Pecans: These are packed with healthy fats and close to no carbs, making them the safest option for people on a Keto diet. An ounce of the nut contributes less than 4 grams of carbs.
- Brazil Nuts: These nuts are packed with beneficial fats and a carbs ratio suited to Keto-dieters. One-fourth of a cup of Brazil nuts provides less than 4 grams of carbs.
- Macadamia Nuts: These are known to have some of the lowest amounts of carbs on the list. One-fourth of a cup of these nuts adds only 4 grams of carbs.
- Hazelnuts: These nuts, when roasted, make for a great snack and a healthy source of proteins and fats. One ounce of Hazelnuts contributes carbs in around 6.5 grams.
- Walnuts: Walnuts serve multiple purposes when eaten with or without a Keto diet. Less than one-fourth cup of walnuts contributes only 4 grams of carbs. In addition to this, walnuts positively affect heart functioning and ketosis.
- Pine nuts: An ounce of Pine nuts adds 4 grams of carbs and 1 gram of sugar. This may seem like a minimal amount; it is best to add very limited amounts of Pine nuts to the menu when on a Keto-diet.
- Peanuts: Eating around 33 peanuts contribute to 6 grams of carbs. When on a Keto-diet, it is best to take them in very well-calculated amounts to not cross any carb intake limits.
When taken in the recommended proportions and ways, nuts serve a purpose of health benefits and improved metabolism for dieters and non-dieters alike.
For nuts that cannot take in large amounts, it is recommended to crush them into small pieces and intake them in the form of a garnish on different dishes.
Read also: Are Peanuts Good For Ketosis (Nuts, Carbs, Benefits – All You Need To Know!)
Nuts that should be avoided
Some might find it difficult to believe or acknowledge that nuts can have harmful impacts, but in Keto-dieting, the following nuts should be avoided for best results. These include:
- Cashews: Cashews have a high carb count compared to other nuts. The daily limit of carb consumption is 20 grams. Intake of only 60 cashews meets this count, making them highly unsuitable for Keto-dieters. Cashews also contain low healthy fats, further proving they are best avoided when dieting.
- Pistachios: These green beauties should also be skipped when dieting. Even a cup of Pistachios adds roughly 33.4 grams of carbs which is way over the acceptable daily upper limit of carb intake.
- Almonds: While almonds may be essential for healthy brain stimulation, they contribute approximately 31 grams of carbs in just one cup! It is best to avoid them when on a Keto-diet.
Peanuts and Keto diet
Keto diets are a way to switch the main energy-producing starter from carbs to stored fats. When an increased amount of carbs is taken in, the process is stopped, and the body produces energy using carbs while no fat burning occurs.
Carbs should be cut out of the diet to ensure the Keto-diet’s success.
Peanuts contain the following nutrition in the different forms they are served: | Peanuts (forms; 1 cup) | Calories | Carbs (grams) | Fat (grams) | Protein(grams) | Fiber(grams) |
1. | Dry-roasted Salted | 854 | 31.4 | 72.5 | 34.6 | 11 |
2. | Smooth Peanut Butter | 1,571 | 51.6 | 130 | 64.7 | – |
The general intake of peanuts provides a large amount of energy per serving. However, in Keto-dieting, a high amount of healthy fat intake, balanced protein, and low carbs are idealized. Peanuts, on the other hand, do not follow this ratio.
Additionally, peanuts are served with different flavorings that impact the overall nutritional intake. These vary from honey, seasonings, flavorings, and sugars for sweetening added to carbs.
Read also: Are Pistachios Keto Friendly? (Low Carbs Nuts + More)
Peanuts are not really nuts!
When strictly classified, Peanuts fall under the category of legumes instead of nuts. This means they are a better source of proteins than healthy fats.
However, the body responds differently to pure nuts than in a different manner to legumes. For this reason, the intake of peanuts has to be monitored, and excessive intake should be avoided.
Peanuts and legumes can negatively affect numerous body processes, often leading to permanent disabilities and health complications.
In contrast to legumes, intake of nuts in various forms, such as nut butter, has shown to reduce inflammation and thus is preferred over peanuts.
Other Keto-friendly alternatives to direct peanut intake include Cashew Butter, Almond Butter, and Macadamia Nut Butter.
Peanuts have health effects, both positive and negative. With a strict Keto diet, it is important to monitor each intake and the long-term effects it may have on the body.
It is best to try a few ingredients and natural products before making them a part of strict diets. This will prevent the diet from backfiring and all your efforts wasted.
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