Are ATVs Street Legal In CT (ATV + UTV Laws To Know)

Are ATVs Street Legal In CT

Have you ever wondered if ATVs are Street legal in CT? What are the rules and regulations in Connecticut regarding them and other OHVs? Look no further as we have all the answers.

Connecticut is an often visited state by tourists, and most popular are scenic areas characterized by the historic colonial architecture and significance. But what if you would like to explore its nature on an ATV?

In Connecticut, ATVs are generally not allowed on public roads or any public lands, except for the purpose of crossing a street or a highway or with permission for use in designated areas.

Without further ado, let’s get into more details.

Are ATVs Street legal in Connecticut?

As a general rule and per the state law, ATVs are not allowed to use public streets, roads, or highways, which means that they are not street legal.

The state law specifically states that ATVs are not allowed to be operated:

  • on any public highway, with an exception, if a rider is properly licensed and uses the highway only to cross it and it is not a limited-access highway,
  • if the exhaust noise is too loud or makes an “unusual” noise,
  • the ATV is not equipped with a muffler, brakes, and functional front and rear lights, except if its engine is 90cc or smaller when it must not have any light nor be driven during the night,
  • any railroad right-of-way,
  • or any fenced agricultural land or posted land without explicit written permission from the owner or agency in charge of that land.

Read also: Are ATVs Street Legal in Illinois? (ATV + UTV Laws To Know)

Can I ride an ATV on public lands in Connecticut?

To be able to ride an ATV on public lands in CT, you need a permit from the agency which is in charge of such land.

Unfortunately, at this time, ATVs are banned from all public forests and parks in Connecticut.

While some state parks and forests do allow dirt bikes and 4×4, all-terrain vehicles are considered to be causing a greater environmental impact and so are banned.

Local municipalities do have an option to designate ATV-allowed public lands and trails, but to this date, non has chosen to exercise that option.

So, if you wish to ride an ATV in Connecticut, you are limited to only private lands.

Can I ride an ATV on private lands in Connecticut?

Yes, you can ride an ATV on private lands in Connecticut. But only if you have written permission from the owner of such property or you are the owner.

For this purpose, there are many privately operated off-road tracks and trails, where you can have a blast riding an ATV or a dirt bike.

But the rule about written permission is not as strictly enforced, though if you are not allowed on a property you can face trespassing charges.

Do I have to register or title an ATV in Connecticut?

It is forbidden for anyone to ride an ATV that is not properly titled and registered. Such vehicles can’t be used on public roads or lands, or any lands and properties that they do not own or lease.

The exception to titling and registration requirement is only if an ATV will be used only on a property that you own or lease.

To register an ATV, it needs to be equipped with a functional muffler, brakes, and working front and rear lights if it has an engine displacement larger than 90cc.

The process of registering and titling your ATV is very simple, you will need an acceptable ID, bill of sale, and filled-out form H-13B, and make an appointment at a DMV office.

Registration costs $75 in the registration fee, plus a $5 license plate production costs fee and a $10 Clean Air Act fee; and is good for two years.

If your ATV is already registered in Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, or Vermont; your out-of-state registration is considered valid in Connecticut.

If it is registered in any other state, you have to submit at any DMV’s Hub or Limited Service Office filled out form B-77, which you can get there.

Connecticut allows for minors, aged 16 and 17, to have ATVs registered in their name. Then, it is required that they also have parental consent and special personal liability insurance.

Read also: Are ATVs Street Legal in Nevada? (ATV + UTV Laws To Know)

Do I need a driver’s license to operate an ATV in Connecticut?

If you are 18 or older, you can operate an ATV on public lands and roads only if you have a driver’s license. A safety course certificate is not required unless you are accompanying a minor younger than 16 years.

Minors, aged 16 and 17, are required to have passed a safety course and have a valid certificate to be able to ride an ATV on public lands.

Minors between 12 and 15 years of age, also can ride ATVs on public lands, but must have a safety course certificate and can ride only under the supervision of someone 18 or more years old, but also with a valid safety course certificate.

Persons younger than 12 are strictly forbidden to operate ATVs on public lands.

When it comes to riding on private properties, particularly if you own or lease them, non of the above restrictions apply. In other words, anyone can ride an ATV.

Read also: Are ATVs Street Legal In Chicago (ATV + UTV Laws To Know)

Are helmets mandatory in Connecticut?

No, helmets are not required in CT. But they are highly recommended, especially if you ride them in a wooded area.


The state law in Connecticut currently limits the use of ATVs only to public lands that are explicitly designated for their use. And on public roads, only for the purpose of crossing them.

To use it in such an area, it must be properly registered, and rider licensed.

Unfortunately, at the moment no public land in CT is designated for ATV riding, so you can only use ATVs on private lands where registration and driver’s license requirements do not exist.

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Jeff is an automotive technician, technical writer, and Managing Editor. He has held a lifelong passion for cars, with a particular interest in cars like the Buick Reatta. Jeff has been creating written and video content about transportation, automotive, electric cars, future vehicles as well as new, used for more than 18 years. Jeff is based in Boulder, Colorado.

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