What Are Kirkland Olive Oil Ingredients (Simply Explained!) 

Kirkland Olive Oil Ingredients

People ask, what are Kirkland Olive Oil Ingredients?

Olive oil is a staple in any kitchen. It is delicious for cooking, and perfect to use as a salad dressing or a dip for warm bread.

Olive oil can be used to pan fry pretty much anything, adding its elegant, aromatic taste to even the simplest of dish.

Though olive oil can feel like an extravagant buy, it can be purchased at a discount price at Costco.

But what are Costco’s Kirkland olive oil ingredients? Kirkland olive oil ingredients are saturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, and monounsaturated fat. It does not contain salt, sugar, fiber, protein, carbohydrate, sodium, potassium, iron, calcium, or vitamin D.

Costco Kirkland Signature olive oil is extra virgin, traceable back to its Italian origin, and is kosher. Kirkland Signature has a variety of olive oils in its range – pure, extra virgin, Italian, and Toscano.

Each serving is around 14-15g, or 1tbsp, and contains around 120-125 calories per serving.

Read on for more information on Kirkland Signature’s range of olive oils, the ingredients in more detail, price, size, and how healthy they are.

What Is the Kirkland Signature Brand?

Kirkland Signature is a line of Costco’s signature branded products. Costco has been selling Kirkland Signature products for around 20 years, making up around 20% of the products Costco sells.

Kirkland Signature has a product in most Costco departments, including cooking products, pet food, clothing, cleaning products, health and beauty products, and electronics.

Costco offers its members high-quality branded merchandise at a value price, and the Kirkland Signature line allows Costco to fulfill this promise of selling premium products at low or budget prices.

What Is Olive Oil?

Olive oil is liquid fat that is produced by pressing olives and extracting the oil. Olive oil is used as cooking oil for food, as well as a dressing for fresh food such as salads.

What Olive Oils Are in the Kirkland Signature Brand?

Kirkland Signature produces more than one type of olive oil, and the range includes:

  • Pure olive oil
  • Organic extra virgin olive oil
  • Toscano extra virgin olive oil
  • Extra virgin Italian olive oil

Read also: Who Makes Kirkland Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Best Tips Explained!)

Kirkland Olive Oil Ingredients

  1. Kirkland Signature Pure Olive Oil comes in a 3 liter container and is sold for $36.49. This olive oil is refined, 15% virgin olive oil. It is kosher and gluten free.
  2. Kirkland Signature Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil is sold in a 2 liter container for $15.99. it is classified as a USDA organic olive oil, first cold pressed. It is kosher. This oil is stated to be full-bodied, with an elegant aroma and a rich, distinctive taste.

The container holds 133 servings of 1 tbsp, at 125 calories per serving. Each serving contains:

  • Total fat 14g, 22% of daily recommended allowance.
  • Saturated fat 2g, 10% of daily recommended allowance.
  • Trans fat 0g.
  • Sodium 0g.
  • Total carbohydrate 0g.
  • Protein 0g.

     3. Kirkland Signature Toscano Extra Virgin Olive Oil is sold in a 1 liter container.

This olive oil is stated to bring the flavors of Tuscany to the kitchen, as it is a product of olives picked from October to December in Tuscany, Italy.

The olives are cold-extracted within hours of harvesting. The oil has distinctive fruity tones, is full-bodied, and has an elegant aroma.

The oil is kosher. Each Kirkland Signature extra virgin olive oil is from a single origin in Europe.

Each 100ml serving contains:

  • 824 calories.
  • 91.6g fat.
  • 13.4 saturated fat.
  • 8.6g polyunsaturated fat.
  • 69.6g monounsaturated fat.
  • 0g sugars.
  • 0g salt.
  • 0g fiber.
  • 0g protein

    4. Kirkland Signature Extra Virgin Olive Oil is sold in a 2 liter bottle for $17.99.

This oil is traceable to its origin and produced according to strict standards that ensure authenticity, outstanding flavor, and nutritional value. It is produced from Italian-grown olives, cold-pressed, and bottled. It is kosher.
Each bottle contains 133 servings of 15g, or 1 tbsp. Each serving contains:

  • 120 calories.
  • 14g total fat, 22% of daily recommended allowance.
  • 2g saturated fat, 10% of daily recommended allowance.
  • 2g polyunsaturated fat.
  • 10g monounsaturated fat.
  • 0g trans fat.
  • 0g total carb.
  • 0g fiber.
  • 0g sodium.
  • 0g protein.
  • 0g sugar.
  • 0g Vitamin D.
  • 0g calcium.
  • 0g iron.
  • 0g potassium.

What Foods Are Cooked in Olive Oil?

Olive oil is best used for pan frying food, or being used as a cold oil over fresh foods such as salads.

Olive oil is not suited to deep frying as it has a low smoke point and will begin to burn more quickly than some oils, causing the food to have a bad taste and odor.

Olive oil is extremely versatile and can be used to cook many dishes which are pan fried, and is popular in Mediterranean and Italian cooking.

Is Olive Oil a Healthy Cooking Oil?

Extra virgin olive oil is a healthy oil to cook with, containing ingredients which have a host of health benefits, including:

  • Olive oil contains vitamins E and K, as well as high amounts of antioxidants. This helps lower cholesterol and the risk of heart diseases, strokes, and diabetes.
  • Olive oil is high in monosaturated fats, which can reduce inflammation and help lower the risk of diseases such as cancer.

What Oils Are in the Kirkland Signature Brand Line?

Besides their range of olive oils, Kirkland Signature have a variety of cooking oils and dressings, including:

  • Peanut oil
  • Vegetable oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Corn oil
  • Canola oil
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Apple cider vinegar

Read also: How to Dispose of Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Explained!)

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Lindsey graduated with an MBA in 2009. Since then, Lindsey has worked in the retail and consumer service industry as a manager, advisor, and marketer. Lindsey is also the head writer and Co-founder of Rvandplaya.com. Lindsey is based in Morgantown, West Virginia.

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