If you just had a baby, there’s a whirlwind of changes and the last thing you need to worry about is paying your entire labor and delivery and newborn medical expenses out of pocket.
So how do you add your new dependent to your medical insurance? Even though there are specific open enrollment periods for Blue Cross Blue Shield, babies are considered a special life event that can be within the first thirty days of life. To add a newborn, Blue Cross Blue Shield must be informed that a baby was born and provided with all of the baby’s information.
In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about adding a newborn to your Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance.
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When Can I Add a Newborn to My Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance Policy?
Once you have a baby, you need to inform Blue Cross Blue Shield within the first thirty to sixty days after birth in order to add him/her to the policy. Check with your state’s Blue Cross Blue Shield office as the time period may differ.
You can go online to access your Blue Cross Blue Shield account or call their customer service number to add your new child to the medical insurance. New births are not the only special exceptions for enrollment.
The adoption of a new child also applies to the amount of time you have to add the new child to the insurance.
Instead of thirty to sixty days from the date of birth though, it is thirty to sixty days from the legal adoption date.
It is best to add any new children to your policy as soon as possible so that the hospital bills can be processed accordingly.
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What Does Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance Cover for My Newborn?
Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance covers the normal medical needs such as doctor’s checkups, some prescriptions, and other things that everyone else on your policy is also covered for.
Additionally, there are some extras that apply specifically to newborns to help their transition into the world.
Blue Cross Blue Shield will cover breastfeeding equipment and supplies, birth complications, newborn health screenings such as hearing and eyesight, nursing counseling and support, visits to midwives, pediatricians, and gynecologists, and any needed supplements.
There are a few things that may not be covered depending on your area such as circumcisions, jaundice treatment, or neonatal intensive care unit stays.
Call your Blue Cross Blue Shield representative to see what special circumstances may or may not be covered under your insurance. They may be able to suggest alternatives to coverage such as government funded Medicaid or other programs.
How Do I Add a Newborn If I Get Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance Through My Work?
If you receive your Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance through your work, you may not have to go through the enrollment process for your newborn or directly deal with Blue Cross Blue Shield.
Instead, inform your company’s human resources or benefits department and they will be able to help you add your new dependent to your insurance.
When you contact or visit your human resources department, make sure that you bring the necessary information to add your newborn to the policy. They will most likely need a copy of the birth certificate and social security card.
If you do not have these documents, they may be able to add the child with just their birth date information and name.
Once you get the necessary documents, then they will require a copy in order to officially register the baby with Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance.
When the newborn is in the system, Blue Cross Blue Shield will confirm their addition and either notify you directly or let the human resources department know.
Is My Newborn Covered Under My Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance Before I Add Him/Her?
Because the birth of a child is most unpredictable, it is impossible to add a baby before he or she is born considering that one of the most important pieces of information needed to add someone to the policy is their birthdate.
However, that does not mean that the hospital stay and medical needs of a baby are not covered from the moment of birth.
Once you enroll your baby with Blue Cross Blue Shield, they will backdate the coverage so that your newborn is covered from the very beginning.
Their hospital stay, any medications they may have needed, or emergency surgeries within the first few days of life will be covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield as long as you enroll the baby within the given time period.
Blue Cross Blue Shield is aware that unexpected complications can arise at a moment’s notice when it comes to labor and delivery.
Their goal is to make sure you can focus on you and your baby and not worry about the bills.
Can My Newborn Be Denied Coverage Under Blue Cross Blue Shield?
It does not happen often but there can be certain situations that can result in an infant not being covering by medical insurance including Blue Cross Blue Shield.
Some insurance companies do not cover persons with pre-existing conditions and newborns are no different.
Although it is rare, it is possible for a baby to have a heart condition or other medical issue that would not qualify the newborn for Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance.
If your child is not covered under your insurance, talk to a Blue Cross Blue Shield representative about their pre-existing condition policy.
You should also read up on state and federal laws regarding newborn medical insurance coverage to make sure that you and your child’s rights are not being violated.
Though the cases of newborn coverage denial are few, they still exist so you need to be prepared to foot the medical bills yourself if this happens.
Why Would Blue Cross Blue Shield Not Cover a Newborn’s Expenses?
While Blue Cross Blue Shield covers many newborn medical expenses, not everything is included under the umbrella of the insurance policy.
If your child has a pre-existing condition that disqualifies him/her from coverage completely, none of his/her medical expenses will be covered.
Certain procedures are also not covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield because they are elective such as circumcisions for newborn boys.
Other times, you will be at a hospital that is in your insurance’s network but if your baby has to go to the neonatal intensive care unit, that ward may be out of network.
Blue Cross Blue Shield makes it simple to add a newborn to your current medical insurance policy. You do not have to wait until open enrollment since birth is considered a special life event.
As long as your child is enrolled within thirty to sixty days of birth, his/her entire medical expenses will be covered from the moment of birth.
Some procedures and instances of denial of coverage may occur. Check with your Blue Cross Blue Shield representative if you have any questions about your newborn’s coverage so that you understand what is covered and what is not.
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