Does Advance Auto Take Used Oil For Free? (You´ll Be Surprised!)

Does advance auto Take Used Oil For Free

Have you ever asked yourself or your friend if Advance Auto takes used oil for free? Well, you are at the perfect place to find the answer to such a question.

If you have used oil and oil filters, it’s important to dispose of them properly because they can cause serious damage to our planet and natural resources.

One of the easiest ways to dispose of used oil is to bring it to a safe recycling center, such as those located inside automobile shops and stores.

So, does Advance Auto take used oil for free? Yes, Advance Auto Parts is one example of a safe recycling center that accepts used oil. This automotive store provides free oil recycling at most locations. The only locations that do not provide this service are those located in states where it is prohibited by law.

To learn more about giving your used oil to Advance Auto Parts, keep reading.

Does Advance Auto Take Used Oil For Free?

As of 2022, Advance Auto Parts accepts used oil for free. As a result, you can simply drop off your used oil at the nearest Advance Auto Parts location, and the company will not charge you a fee to accept the oil either.

It’s a good idea to call the location beforehand, though.

That being said, there are some exceptions to this answer. For example, there are some states that prohibit certain oil recycling programs, such as the programs at Advance Auto Parts.

If you live in one of these states, Advance Auto Parts will not accept the oil.

There are also some stipulations about how much oil the location can accept and how the oil needs to be sealed in order for them to accept it.

To ensure you have all of the right information and are not wasting your time, contact your local Advance Auto Parts for specific instructions.

What Types Of Oil Does Advance Auto Parts Accept?

Most Advance Auto Parts locations accept all types of vehicle oil. So, you don’t have to do a lot of research before you drop off the oil.

The main task is just confirming that the Advance Auto Parts location near you accepts used oil in the first place. If they do, they will likely accept the oil.

The only exception is oil that has been contaminated with other fluids. If your oil is contaminated with transmission fluids, brake fluids, or antifreeze, it cannot be accepted. In other words, only recycle oil if it is non-contaminated.

Read also: Can I Dispose of Used Motor Oil at Walmart? (The Truth!)

How Much Oil Will Advance Auto Parts Accept?

There are often oil limits for oil recycling programs. These limits are most often set by local and state regulations, not the individual shops.

In most locations, shops can accept up to 5 gallons of used oil every day from one person. If you have more than 5 gallons, you can bring the rest of it the next day, but you can’t bring all of the oil on the same day due to the oil limit.

The easiest way to find out how much oil your local Advance Auto Parts will accept is to call the location directly.

They will quickly be able to tell you their oil limit so that you don’t have to do much digging on your own.

What Does Advance Auto Parts Do With Donated Oil?

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the oil from just one oil change can contaminate as much as 1,000,000 gallons of water if improperly disposed of.

Because of this shocking statistic, many automotive shops will accept used oil to ensure it is disposed of correctly, including Advance Auto Parts. Still, most of the oil will be repurposed.

Once you drop off the used oil, it most normally is used in furnaces in the community to heat homes and other buildings.

It is sometimes also used in power plants for electricity or used in marine fuels. Occasionally, used oil is refined so that it can be reused in vehicles.

In other words, Advance Auto Parts takes your used oil and distributes it to other locations so that oil can be put to good use again.

Read also: Does AutoZone Take Used Oil For Free? (You´ll Be Surprised!)

How Do You Recycle Used Oil At Advance Auto Parts?

If you want to recycle used oil at Advance Auto Parts, there is a certain way you need to drop the oil off. For starters, make sure that every drop of oil is sealed in an appropriate container, such as a sealable polyethylene container.

If you have the original oil container, that will work too.

Make sure that the oil is not contaminated by any other fluids. These sorts of oils can be dangerous if recycled.

In addition to the oil itself, bring your oil filter too. Some oil filters can have as much as 10 ounces of oil within the filter.

This will further help to dispose of the residual oil effectively and safely.

If you are not entirely sure how to transport this oil and avoid contamination, contact Advance Auto Parts. The team members will be more than happy to fully explain how to remove the oil and store it in such a way that it is not contaminated before you drop it off.

Because you should call Advance Auto Parts before you drop off the oil anyways, it certainly won’t hurt to ask at this point.

Final Thoughts

Advance Auto Parts accepts used oil for recycling purposes. Any oil that is recycled through Advance Auto Parts is typically reused for other purposes, helping to maximize the usage of the oil.

Of course, any oil contaminated with other fluids cannot be accepted.

Before you bring oil to your Advance Auto Parts location, call the store up first. Some states prohibit recycling programs, which means your local Advance Auto Parts might not accept oil at all.

If your location does, figure out their oil donation limit.

When it comes time to donate the oil, make sure you do not contaminate it with other fluids and store it in an airtight container.

If you still have the original oil container, this is the easiest container to use, but you can use a polyethylene container as well. Regardless, make sure that the oil is disposed of properly so as not to contaminate your beautiful community.

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Jeff is an automotive technician, technical writer, and Managing Editor. He has held a lifelong passion for cars, with a particular interest in cars like the Buick Reatta. Jeff has been creating written and video content about transportation, automotive, electric cars, future vehicles as well as new, used for more than 18 years. Jeff is based in Boulder, Colorado.

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